Strategic and high level review of transactions
High-level “helicopter” reviews of business initiatives, commercial relationships and transactions, in advance of (or instead of) more detailed “deep dive” reviews.
Stress testing, sanity checking and generally playing devil’s advocate in relation to strategic plans and commercial proposals; reviewing and commenting on, offering input and guidance on, key in principle and implementation issues. Also working with clients to revise and finalise
their plans and proposals on the basis of our input.
Development and review of business proposals
Working with corporate clients and senior professionals preparing key business proposals, presentations and business cases, assisting in their preparation of outlines and framework terms, drafting and finalising of documents, and generally helping them to prepare to present their proposals to managers, boards, committees, panels, clients and wider audiences such as workshops and conferences. This includes performance planning, and also providing a forum and audience for dry-runs and dress rehearsals in preparation for formal pitches and presentations.
Project and compliance programme scoping and management
Assisting in scoping and developing commercial projects and compliance programmes, and creating or implementing compliance measures and deliverables (in particular, in the areas of data privacy, consumer protection, and advertising and marketing). This includes our engaging, working with and/or managing other outside advisers to our clients, co-ordinating their input and advice and helping clients to interpret and implement recommendations and results.
Commercial training
Internal team training on specific commercial projects, issues or requirements (including as an adjunct or follow-up to related services described above). For example, training internal teams on new commercial operations and activities, transactions or business initiatives – such as training of sales, marketing and HR teams on channel and distributor network issues (eg the rollout of new distributor terms), advertising and marketing campaigns, CRM database implementation (eg direct marketing dos and don’ts), contracting processes and customer management issues, new retail and online store rollouts, franchisee manuals, etc.
Participation on panels, committees, management teams and boards
Performing NED and similar “trusted adviser” roles on and for boards, panels, committees and management teams.